How to cure prostatitis at home

treatment of prostatitis

Such diseases as prostatitis is an exclusively male problem. Develops prostatitis on the background lesions of the prostate infection. Some believe that this disease develops in only Mature men between age-related changes. This is absolutely not true. The risk of prostatitis increases since the beginning of active sexual life. Prostatitis can be bacterial, non-bacterial, acute, chronic, asymptomatic. Each of the types treatable in its early stages, Successfully conducted the treatment of prostatitis in men at home. How to do it yourself using folk remedies?

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis called inflammation of the prostate gland. The reasons for this inflammation are many. The main cause of the disease is infection of the gland. To provoke inflammation can different bacteria: the Golden Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Senegala coli, Enterobacter. It is worth noting that these microorganisms are present in the microflora of each person. Only in the presence of favorable conditions, is their active reproduction, which is a pathology.

how to treat prostatitis

Development of prostatitis depend on the following factors:

  • Irregular sexual life;
  • Overly sexually active;
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • A sedentary lifestyle;
  • Bad habits;
  • An improper diet.

In particular, sedentary life, irregular sex provoke stagnant processes in the pelvic organs. Due to the stagnation of semen and blood the inflammation. Also, the blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed, and due to certain chronic diseases: atherosclerosis, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and endocrine system.

Prostatitis is a very serious problem. And to defer the treatment of inflammation is impossible. Because on the background of chronic prostatitis often develops adenoma and prostate cancer. Besides, the disease leads to impotence. To identify prostatitis is not difficult. So, if the husband gets up at night to pee more than once, there is reason to pay a doctor. Frequent urination, feeling not devastated by the bladder, pain during urination — all these are the basic symptoms of inflammation of the prostate.

On top of that is added to the symptoms reduction of sexual activity, weak lack of erection, premature ejaculation. Often men with prostatitis complain of pain. The pain extends to the area of the scrotum, testicles, lower abdomen, keeps the lower back. Sometimes there is pain in the anus during a bowel movement. Treatment of prostatitis should occur immediately. Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies possible. But, in any case, even people's therapy requires prior consultation of a qualified physician.

Home treatment of prostatitis

How to treat prostatitis in house conditions? Has long been used various plants, herbs for treatment of diseases of the urogenital system in men. These tools are well suited for the prevention of prostatitis. The oldest and proven method of treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland at home is the use of pumpkin seeds. The benefit of this product due to high levels of zinc. Zinc — extremely important for the male body at any age. He is actively involved in the production of testosterone, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. So, pumpkin seeds can relieve and prevent the prostate from stagnation.

To relieve symptoms of the disease is connection to eat 30 seeds daily before each meal. This number will help make up for the daily dose of zinc for men's body. Very tasty and healthy is a special product of pumpkin seeds. So, you need to grind on the base asorbs 0.5 kg of peeled hulled seeds. To this mixture is added another useful product for men's body — med. Sufficient 200 g of honey, the medium is mixed and rolled into small balls. Such bulbs need to be stored in the refrigerator and drink 1 ball two times a day, half a HR before a meal.

Aspen bark

For the treatment of prostatitis in men at home used bark of aspen. To prepare effective remedy prostatitis from the bark only in the spring. The fact that the use of aspen bark is necessary only in the hour when the first bloom buds and shoots her. So, it is necessary to collect the bark of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm, dried in an oven. After complete drying, 100 g of crushed raw material is poured 200 ml of vodka. Means infused for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Then infusion of strain and drink 20 drops three times a day. You can dilute the dose in 50 g of water. The rate of such national treatment is 2-3 months.

The leaves and bark of the witch hazel

These ingredients are brewed separately. Bark of the plant are boiled two times longer than the leaves. 1 tablespoon leaves 1 Cup of water. Two of broth mixed, covered with a lid and insist for half an hour. The medium is filtered, taken to be 80-100 grams 4 times a day. For cooking this means it is better to use young leaves and bark. Also, populists argue that the same raw materials can be brewed several times. Men who tested the drug on himself, claim that the symptoms of prostatitis disappear in 1-1,5 week.


As the folk and traditional medicine have proven that only fresh pressed juices help the excretion of uric acid from the body. And it can greatly reduce inflammation, improve the condition of the patient. It uric acid and are absorbed into the pelvic floor muscles, and provokes different diseases of the prostate. Therefore, it is recommended during the day drink up to 0.5 liters of fresh juice. Special benefits different these juices:

  • Cucumber;
  • Asparagus;
  • Beets;
  • Carrots.

For the male body use is different and pear compote. For treatment of prostatitis best to use the product without sugar. Ale, ripe pear, and so has a rather pleasant sweet taste. Effective from prostatitis in men the juice from the berries of the black elderberry.Also, the doctor may advise you to drink every morning after waking up on a glass of distilled water. And after 10 minutes drink a glass of elderberry juice. Therapy lasts at least 2 weeks. This tool is actively used for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

To improve the condition of the prostate apply the juice of parsley. It is rich in vitamins A and C. Eat fresh parsley juice need 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. Also, you can prepare a simple decoction of seeds this green. Seeds ground into a powder. 4 spoons of powder pour a glass of water. The product boils at low heat for 10-15 minutes. Eat drink 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.

Herbal medicine

For treatment of prostatitis in men you can use various herbs. It is important to follow all the proportions. After all, many herbs are poisonous, and excess dosage can cause toxicity. Therapy of inflammation of the prostate be carried out with the help of the celandine and Hemlock. Preparation of the composition is as follows:

  • Mix 0.5 tablespoons of Hemlock and celandine;
  • Pour 150 grams of vodka;
  • Put in a dark place;
  • Infuse for 10 days;
  • Drain.

Take tincture in the morning on an empty stomach. Just 2 drops dissolved in a glass of milk or clean water. Every day the number of drops increases by one. This continues until the thirtieth day. After that, the countdown begins, the number of drops decreases. Well-proven decoction of burdock roots.

herbs the treatment of prostatitis

Often for the treatment of prostatitis used Fox birch and horsetail. 70 g of the mixture is poured 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. It is important to insist for hours that all the useful properties of the plants revealed. Strain the decoction, taken throughout the day. Some men claim that in the fight against prostate helped them the simple infusion of the leaves of Kalanchoe.

Requires 1 Cup of leaves pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Vehicle was infused for 5 days. It's recommended to take 1 teaspoon a day. As soon as the patient's General condition improves, use 1 teaspoon of money in a week. Overall, this herbal medicine is considered to be the most effective. After all, many medicines from prostatitis made on the basis of herbs and plants.

Other methods of treatment of a prostatitis in house conditions

Many believe that the disease treatment at home is the use exclusively of herbs, tinctures. In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate an integrated approach. And some liqueurs are often not enough. Also, you should not rely on folk medicine. The maximum effect will be achieved only in combination of traditional and folk medicine. And only a doctor can recommend the appropriate herbal medicine. In the treatment of prostatitis of simple medicines is not enough. You should change your diet, begin to lead an active lifestyle.


First you need to learn the basic exercises that will relieve the inflammation, stagnation, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. To improve the condition of the prostate can regular walking, walking. As soon as the body becomes accustomed to such exercise, the walk can be replaced by Jogging. At home you can perform this exercise:

  • The man took a standing position;
  • Hands along the body;
  • Are carried out alternately lifts the knees;
  • When lifting the knees, it is important to press them to the stomach.

High efficiency in the treatment of "male" diseases have known to exercise a "Bicycle" and "birch". Lifts the pelvis just do not give the opportunity to form blood stasis. There is a possibility to visit sports halls and swimming pool. But, it is not necessary to burden yourself with daily strength training. Enough to practice in the gym 3-4 times a week. But home exercises should be done daily.


Very often in combination with various medicaments, wood, herbal suppositories doctors prescribed a course of massage against the prostate. It is important to remember that the acute form of prostatitis is a contraindication to massage. Also among the contraindications for manipulation is to provide a rectal fissure, hemorrhoids, and constipation. In all other cases, a massage will only benefit. Massage can be performed both at home and in the hospital. You can ask the doctor about techniques for. Such procedures need to remove the stagnation of seminal fluid. So, during the procedure of the urethra will highlight a few drops of secret.


A warm bath with chamomile could avoid pain, to relieve spasm. Also, the plant has a calming effect on the nervous system, which is very important in such a serious disease as prostatitis. After 10-15 minutes in a warm chamomile bath, you need to switch to shower. The water jet should be directed at the area of the scrotum, testes, prostate. At the same time, alternating hot water with cold. Such a contrast hydro massage will positively influence the inflamed prostate gland.

Bee products

Long honey and propolis was considered a panacea for any disease. And prostatitis is no exception. For the treatment of the disease need the connection every day to eat one tablespoon of honey in the morning before Breakfast. Over time, will improve the operation of the entire urinary system, eliminate inflammation, restored full potency. Has good pollen. It is recommended to use three times a day before meals for one teaspoon.

Effective is and alcohol tincture of propolis. Quite 35 drops of tincture diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. Drink three times a day half an hour before meals. Such treatment at home the course is 45 days. Often doctors prescribe the use of suppositories based on propolis. They are made to order only, and have high efficiency. Candles from propolis possess a lot of positive reviews from men who have suffered prostatitis. Overall, to cure prostatitis at home is quite real. Especially, if all options approved by the attending physician.