The main symptoms for prostatitis

Approximately every second man over 50 years old knows what is prostatitis. This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in tissues of the prostate. As a result, a failure occurs in the urinary system. Symptoms of prostatitis in men is quite specific. To prevent complications, persons older than 35 years should undergo regular medical examination, which enables to detect the disease at an early stage.

prostatitis pictures

The causes of the disease

The basis for the development of prostatitis is infection. Inflammation of the prostate can provoke the Golden Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and other microorganisms, which are always present in the human body. However, while the immune system is working properly, they pose no threat. But as soon as there is a decrease in the protective forces of the body, their number begins to increase, which leads to the development of inflammation. But do not panic-everything can be fixed.

The main causes of prostatitis in men

To provoke the disease can and other factors:

  1. Urinary infections, including those that are sexually transmitted trichomoniasis, etc.). It POV associated with the fact that the prostate gland interacts with other organs of the urogenital system.
  2. Stagnation of blood. In men, lifestyles which are sedentary in the pelvic area may experience stagnant processes, which is the precipitating factor for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Subsequently, they can penetrate the prostate in men and lead to its inflammation.
  3. Frequent constipation. Prostate comes close to the intestine. If you have stagnant processes, disturbed vascular permeability and overall blood circulation. Constipation, stool are a long time in the rectum, so all the toxins and decay products can get into the blood. This often provokes inflammation.
  4. The stagnation of seminal fluid. The lack of sex can lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. This leads to the death of sperm cells and chronic inflammatory process.
  5. The presence of men of any chronic disease, even dental caries can provoke inflammation in the prostate.

Types of prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Sharp.
  • Chronic.
  • Asymptomatic chronic.
  • Chronic prostatitis of bacterial origin.

A sharp look is diagnosed infrequently and POV is associated with a bacterial infection, which is always characterized by severe course. The patient connection is an acute pain, body temperature rises, there is a General weakness of the body. Visual inspection shows an increase in size of the prostate. This disease requires urgent treatment as it can cause various complications.

Chronic disease POV is associated with a constant pain that is bothering the person more than 3 consecutive months. Urinalysis will show the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

The asymptomatic form of prostatitis has almost no characteristic signs and symptoms. To detect it is obtained during a regular physical examination or treatment to the doctor regarding another disease.

Chronic prostatitis bacterial nature often POV is associated with the active development of Escherichia coli. This can contribute to reducing the protective forces of the body, surgery of the pelvic organs, the presence of the source of infection. This disease is characterized by Alim, as its symptoms are similar to the manifestation of acute form of inflammation.

Common symptoms of the disease

The first signs of prostatitis in men can include the following:

  1. Decreased libido can be called the first symptom that indicates the presence of inflammation in the prostate gland. Erection in healthy men have to arise every morning. Prostatitis can occur that it will arise irregularly or not at all. This person might notice that the penis is not able to be quite rigid for sexual intercourse. Seminal fluid becomes liquid and muddy.
  2. The urge to urinate at night. A healthy person will not Wake up at night to go to the toilet. The patient may experience feeling of incomplete emptying. So can manifest the disease at an early stage.
  3. Pain facing approximately half of all patients with prostatitis. They have aching in nature and concentrated in the pelvic area. The pain may occur during urination or ejaculation. Any unpleasant sensations that arise in this area, is the reason for the visit to the doctor.

This is only the first symptoms of prostatitis that are inherent to each disease.

Other symptoms include:

  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Burning sensation in the vagina and urethra.
  • Fatigue.
  • Psychological distress and depression.
  • In the urine is possible to see mucous threads.

These symptoms are secondary and depend on the type and extent of the prostate, which may be of variable clinic.

Symptoms of acute prostatitis

Acute inflammation of the prostate gland has characteristic signs of intoxication:

  1. High temperature.
  2. The feeling of chills.
  3. Headache and joint pain.
  4. The lack of appetite.
  5. Sleep disorders.
  6. Excessive sweating.
  7. You're shaking with fever.

The development of acute inflammation can cause viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. Such agents can be present in each organism. Proper functioning of the immune system, all pathogens are suppressed by the immune system. But in cases where such protection is reduced, the infection begins to develop, which eventually leads to inflammation.

The risk of acute disease is often in the development of infertility, impotence and may eventually develop into a chronic form of prostatitis can lead to inflammation of the testicles, and abscess of the prostate.

Any prostatitis in men can cause the formation of benign tumors (adenomas) and malignant tumors of the prostate (carcinoma). Therefore, it is important noticing at least one of the symptoms of prostatitis, to pay for help to the doctor.

signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Read more about acute form of the disease, says the doctor of higher category, the urologist-androlog Alexei Kornienko:

How to determine prostatitis is known to every urologist. For this he will conduct a rectal examination, will send the patient for an ultrasound, computer or magnetic resonance tomography, and take a blood test and urine.

For diagnosis, the doctor will have enough rectal. Tests and other examinations needed in order to determine what triggered the prostatitis in men. This will help to determine how to treat inflammation of the prostate in the individual patient. Each kind of disease requires a specific treatment. For example, in the case of acute process, prohibited some physiotherapy.

The symptoms of bacterial prostatitis

The reason for the development of this kind of inflammation of the prostate, are bacteria. The symptoms in this case are identical to those of the people noted in the case of acute prostatitis. It POV due to the fact that bacterial form of inflammation is often the cause of disease transition in the chronic form, which has periods of exacerbation.

Treatment in this case must be comprehensive. It will be the purpose of medicinal antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, prostate massage, physiotherapy and the application of the methods of folk medicine.

Due to the fact that on the background of previous infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, osteomyelitis, and the like) may develop an inflammatory process in the prostate, Khvorov after recovery is recommended to visit urologist and undergo the necessary examination, which will provide an opportunity to identify the disease at an early stage.

For prostatitis which was caused by bacteria, the main treatment is the appointment of antibacterial therapy. Such treatment gives opportunity not only quickly get rid of the pathogen, but also to prevent the development of complications. In this case the most important is timely access to a doctor, as it was negligence to their health, is the main cause of developing a chronic disease.

It is very important to continue treatment even after symptoms disappear inflammation of the prostate. Because in 90% of cases of chronic prostatitis, the reason is undertreated disease.

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Chronic or as it is called abacterial prostatitis, is not POV is associated with the bacteria. His main reason to become stagnant processes in the pelvis (the stagnation of blood, semen) or deficit in the male body of zinc. This is important for men's health element, normalizes production of sex hormones, improves potency and reproductive function, protects the prostate from diseases.

In addition to the General symptoms of prostatitis in its abacterial forms are present aching pain in the lower abdomen, groin or perineum. Often, these sensations spread to the back and coccyx. The pain may disturb a patient for a long period of hours.

Therapy prescribed by a doctor will be the use of hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, alpha-blockers and herbal remedies. Additionally appointed prostate massage and various physiotherapy treatments.

Symptoms of asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

My husband has no symptoms of prostatitis in this case. So it is usually diagnosed at late stages when the disease has led to an increase in the size of the organ and significant voiding. It helps to detect clinical and bacterial analysis of urine, where the doctor can see a large number of leukocytes and the presence of bacteria. Due to the fact that the disease does not manifest itself, it very often leads to chronic form.

Knowing how prostatitis is manifested in the initial stages, man, it is important to pay attention to night urination and violation of morning erection.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

In this case, the treatment plan will largely depend on the stage of the disease. If there is worsening, then treatment is similar to that which is prescribed in case of bacterial prostatitis.

Remission is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Regular but intermittent pain, often pulling character.
  • Urination disorders (cramps,frequent urination, etc.).
  • The development of depression, disorders psycho-emotional state.

Consensus regarding the treatment of chronic prostatitis not. So the doctor will focus on symptoms and prescribe drugs to help normalize the patient's condition.

Questions about treatment responsible doctor of medical Sciences Borisov Vladimir Viktorovich:

The approximate scheme of treatment of chronic prostatitis:

  1. The prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. The use of drugs that provide the the outflow of blood and lymph from the inflamed area.
  3. Receiving immunomodulators, which help relieve swelling, reduce blood clots, improve blood circulation.
  4. Sedatives and antidepressants help to cope with sexual dysfunction.
  5. To improve blood circulation and strengthen the pelvic muscles, Khvorov shown physiotherapy, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF, microwave hyperthermia, etc.).

Prevention of prostatitis

To prevent worsening of the disease, men who are faced with a diagnosis of prostatitis should do prevention. The main preventive measures are:

  • The rejection of bad habits (Smoking, abuse of alcohol). If you give up alcohol is impossible, it should at least limit the amount. Allowed to drink no more than 1 glass of quality red wine per day. If we talk about Smoking, this bad habit leads to disruption of blood flow due to a temporary spasserovannye vessels. Thus, the prostate may feel oxygen starvation or to receive necessary nutrients. Also heavy smokers often increased pressure, which can also provoke inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • You need to lead an active lifestyle.
  • To eliminate the possibility of stress. It is possible to engage auto-training, to consult with a psychologist. No less important is to alternate work and rest. Actively spend the weekend with family with family or friends. This will be an excellent prevention of depression.
  • Avoid hypothermia and timely treat any colds.
  • It is important to note that excessive exercise can be no less dangerous than physical inactivity.

For the General strengthening of the male body, you need to:

  1. To perform daily morning exercises. It can be mild Jogging or simply light exercise. Especially important is the rule for those who have job involves sitting all day in one position (office work).
  2. To improve the health helps a cold shower. This procedure affects the entire body and the prostate in particular.
  3. Useful is a visit to the baths. But it is important to remember that after leaving the sauna, you can pour cold water.
  4. It is necessary to enrich the diet of fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey, herbs. However, you need to limit or completely abandon pickled dishes and sauces.
  5. It is important to establish the sexual life, the beauties of unprotected sex or delay ejaculation.

To avoid the development of prostatitis and related complications, every man over the age of 35 obligations must regularly undergo a medical examination and if it detected any symptoms, seek medical help.