Selection of effective drugs for prostatitis

Prostatitis has significantly "rejuvenated" in the last 20-30 years. If at the end of the last century prostate inflammation was diagnosed mainly in men over 40 years old, today young people who are barely 30 years old are facing it. The reason for such changes in statistics was a change in lifestyle in general and an abundance of traumatic factors, including phenomena that change the hormonal background of men and cause destabilization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the body as a whole.

drugs for prostatitis

The main danger of prostatitis is its transition into a chronic form. At the same time, the risk of learning what impotence, infertility, benign and malignant tumors of the prostate - adenoma and cancer - is growing in practice. Treatment tactics for this form are more complex, and the duration of therapy can last several years.

For the treatment of the disease that has manifested itself for the first time, doctors practice the use of new drugs for prostatitis, and they also recommend various folk remedies to their patients. The more comprehensive the therapy complex, the greater the chance that this disease will not turn into numerous problems for men, which inevitably occur in the chronic form of the disease.

What drugs are needed for prostatitis

Which of the drugs for prostatitis can bear the proud title of "the best" cannot be answered unequivocally, however, without many pharmaceutical and folk remedies, the effectiveness of treatment will tend to zero. That is why, after confirming the diagnosis, urologists recommend the use of several drugs with a narrowly targeted effect for the treatment of men:

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

Depending on the results of the analysis, drugs with different effects can be selected.

  • anesthetics;
  • antispasmodics and muscle relaxants;
  • immunostimulants or immunoglobulins;
  • anti-virus means;
  • hormones.

Among other things, in the treatment of men diagnosed with prostatitis, drugs that include enzymes, trace elements and vitamins that normalize metabolic processes in the prostate are widely used.

All these drugs can be used for treatment in different forms:

  1. For oral administration - tablets, powders for preparation of suspensions or solutions. This group most often includes systemic antibiotics, immunomodulators and hormones.
  2. For local use - ointments, gels, rectal suppositories. This group of drugs includes analgesics, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.
  3. Solutions for injections. This group includes almost all of these drugs for prostatitis with the exception of hormones.

Which form of medication for the treatment of prostatitis is better to use in a particular case, the doctor decides. Therefore, according to the classical principles of therapy, in the acute form of the disease, which is not aggravated by complications and accompanying diseases, preference is given to oral drugs - anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial agents can be taken in the form of tablets. In the chronic course of the disease, as well as in the presence of complications or concomitant diseases of the digestive tract, doctors tend to prescribe topical drugs and injections.

Preparations-complexes or single-component drugs - which is better

An unequivocal answer cannot be given to the question of what should be a really effective remedy for prostatitis - single-component or multi-component. Each of these dosage forms has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of complex drugs, which include anti-inflammatory, analgesic components, vitamins and minerals, as well as stimulants of metabolic processes and immunity in men, include:

  • there is no need to use many drugs in different forms - just take one or two tablets or capsules a day;
  • a more perfect formula, in which the components often contribute to a more complete absorption of active substances;
  • for treatment with complex preparations, which are based mainly on herbal components, a prescription is not required, but a doctor's approval is required;
  • lower cost.

However, complex drugs for men, which are often prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis, also have disadvantages:

  • when taken, allergies occur more often;
  • have a wider list of contraindications;
  • against the background of their use, the consequences of side effects with other drugs often appear;
  • forced intake of substances that do not have a major therapeutic role (for example, an antispasmodic component for prostatitis that occurs without pronounced spasm).

In some cases, taking single-component drugs is more effective than multi-component ones.

Single-component preparations have both disadvantages and advantages. The first include:

  • the overall high cost of the course of treatment;
  • the need to take medicines during the day, respecting the interval between taking incompatible medicines;
  • high load on the digestive tract (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a particularly strong negative effect on the stomach).

The advantage of treating men with single-component agents is the possibility of varying the intake of certain compounds that affect the symptoms and condition of the prostate, depending on the clinical picture.

What drugs do doctors recommend for prostatitis: list

Among the numerous drugs that are present on the pharmaceutical market, doctors most often prescribe the following drugs.


  • Mainly fluoroquinolones.
  • Proprietary penicillins in the form of tablets or daily injections.
  • Cephalosporins.

Antibiotics for prostatitis can be used in different forms.


NSAIDs for prostatitis are prescribed to relieve pain, relieve itching, burning and heaviness in the perineum and lower back, and eliminate the inflammatory process. Medicines of this group block the body's immune response to pathological processes in the prostate, thereby stopping and eliminating the development of inflammation. NSAIDs are prescribed for any form of disease, but it is unacceptable to use drugs on your own! Uncontrolled intake of anti-inflammatory drugs "lubricates" the symptoms, makes diagnosis difficult and drowns the disease, worsening the pathology.

Muscle relaxants and antispasmodics

To relax smooth muscles, adrenolytics are prescribed for normal urine flow. They perfectly cope with the task, tone the bladder muscles, improve the nervous system, stop spasms and inflammation.

Hormonal drugs

Hormones are prescribed in case of ineffectiveness of NSAIDs. They are mainly used in the form of injections or in the form of transfusion.

Complex preparations for prostatitis

Comprehensive treatment of prostatitis necessarily includes taking drugs to improve immunity. These can be local agents (rectal suppositories) and immunomodulators in tablets. Medicines are selected only by the doctor.

The specific drug is chosen by the doctor based on the condition of the men at the time of the examination, as well as depending on the existing contraindications and indications. It is not recommended to use the information from this article for self-selection of drug complexes, as it is provided for informational purposes only.